• Sunrise At: 5:26 AM
  • Sunset At: 6:44 PM
[email protected] +(00) 123-345-11

“So when the Qur’an is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive mercy.”

Al-A’raf verse 204

“Allah does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”

Quran 10:44

“And Allah Invites To The Home Of Peace”

Surah Yunus, Verse 25

  • Fajr 4:02 AMIqamah: 4:17 am
  • Zuhr 12:05 PMIqamah: 12:20 pm
  • Asr 4:43 PMIqamah: 4:58 pm
  • Magrib 6:44 PMIqamah: 6:59 pm
  • Isha 8:07 PMIqamah: 8:22 pm
  • Jumah 1:30 PM Iqamah: 2:00 PM


Welcome to the official site of the Abululayia Siddiqia Sufi Order. This site is your gateway to the teachings, practices and events of the Most Distinguished Abululayia Siddiqia Tariqa of Dalil Al-A’arefeen, Murshid-E-ILallah Shyakh Sayyed Shah Murtaza Hussain Qaderee Chistee Firdousee Abululayee (may Allah be pleased with our Master), Grand Shaykh of the Tariqa. The Abululayia Siddiqia Sufi Order is led by Shaykh Sayyed Usama Shah Qaderi Abululayee (Hafizahuallah) the only successor of ash-Shyakh as-Sayyed Shah Murtaza Hussain.

Listen to Quran Audio



Our mission is to learn, follow and propagate the teachings of our Holy Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ as done by Awliya Allah (Sufi Saints) during the last 1400 years.

It is also our desire

  • To promote peace, interfaith harmony and tolerance
  • To promote education, integration and working for
    community cohesion
  • To promote human rights and provide social welfare
  • To promote women’s rights and development
  • To connect with young Muslims for religious moderation

Introductory Message

Under the leadership and guidance of His Eminence as-Sayyid ash-Shaykh Usama Shah QaderiAbululayee we would like to reiterate that the AbululayiahSiddiqiah Sufi Order is strictly based on Shari`ah, the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and the pristine teachings of the esteemed Piran-E-Silsilah.

We are not responsible for the actions of those who claim to be adherents of the Sufi Order. All actions are to be judged against the yardstick of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of Khamtem An-NabieenSaqi-E-QauserSiyyidina Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ.

Brief Description of the Tariqa

Abululaiya Siddiqia or Abululayiah Siddiqiah (Arabic: أبوالعلائية صديقية , Urdu: ابوالعلائیہ صدیقیہ ) is a sufi order (tariqa) within the mystic Sufi tradition of Islam. It draws its name from its founder Sayyedul Aarefeen Hadi-E-ILallah Sayyed Shah Muhammad Siddiqh (Radhiallahu ‘anhu) also referred to as ‘A’ala Huzur’ by adherents of the order.

“And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.”

(Quran, 41:36)

The Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars are the core beliefs and practices of Islam

  • Shahadah

  • Salah

  • Sawm

  • Zakat

  • Hajj



The great Saint Saiyidul Arifeen Haadiye Ilallah Ala Huzur Shyakh Sayyed Shah Muhammad Siddiq Qaderee Chistee Firdousee Abul Uayee (1868-1942 CE) was the founder-Shyakh and noble architect of Abululaiya Siddiqia tariqa. He was also the 40th direct descendant of the Holy Prophet of Islam (ﷺ) through his grandson Imam Hussein.

As per the instruction of His noble Shaykh, Qudwat Al-Salekeen Fakhrul-Aawwaleen Wa Akhireen Sayyed Shah Tajuddin Shakir Mun’eme Abululayee, Shyakh Sayyed Shah Muhammad Siddiq migrated from Sheikhpura district, Munger division, Bihar state, India to the then East Bengal (present day Bangladesh) in 1919 C.E and engaged Himself in preaching Islam and Sufism in the region. Since then in the following two decades His holiness untiringly put all efforts to spread the tariqa even up to the remote corners of the greater districts of Dhaka, Comilla, Sylhet, Pabna and Mymensing. His extra-superior spiritual attainments, supported with invincible zeal, perseverance, diligence, tolerance and dedication enabled His Holiness to embrace thousands of people under the umbrella of the Silsila and to reform them as devoted to the norms ideologies and principles of the order.

Abululayia Siddiqia - Copyright 2022.